Submission 5690

Title: Embracing the Tradition of Tikka Karan for Little Ones in India

Theme: Routine Immunization

Category: Public Service Announcement [PSA]

State | City: Haryana | Karnal

Description: Tikka Karan, a cherished custom in our rich cultural tapestry, holds profound significance for the well-being and prosperity of our children. It goes beyond being a mere ritual; it's a celebration of identity, blessings, and protection. As we perform Tikka Karan for our small kids, we symbolically mark their journey with positivity and auspicious beginnings. The application of the sacred vermilion on their tiny foreheads is not just a visual adornment but a heartfelt wish for a life filled with joy, wisdom, and success. Moreover, Tikka Karan serves as a unifying force within families and communities. It brings together generations, fostering a sense of belonging and continuity. The elders pass on their love, experiences, and blessings to the younger ones, creating a beautiful interplay of wisdom and innocence.


Credits: Rj Deepanshu

Radio Station: Radio Orange

4 Months
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