Submission 5372

Title: Thaila Apnao

Theme: Climate Change

Category: Public Service Announcement [PSA]

State | City: Bihar | Patna

Description: In this story, a T-shirt is telling its own story. That's how we left her. While the carry bag can be made. Concept- Single use plastic is completely banned in Bihar but still people are using it. That's why our aim is to make people aware. We did a campaign “Thaila Apnao”. In this campaign our call to action was “use cloth/jute carry bag and save our environment from plastic”. This is a 360 Degree campaign, we did this initiative ‘On Air’ as well as ‘On Ground’ and ‘Social Media’. We said to our listeners to share innovative ideas on our Whatsapp, Chatbot and win movie tickets. We promoted #MissionLiFE, #MeriLife and #Say no to single use plastic. 


Credits: Concept and script by Dr.Subhash Krishna, Programming Director, Radio City Patna, Voice over-RJ Barkha

Radio Station: Radio City 91.1FM Patna

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